Irene Han

NDIS Consultant

Irene is a Registered Nurse and has an Associate Diploma of Business Management.

Irene has been actively involved in the sectors of disability, mental health and children's services for over 30 years and in that time has served as the Secretary for the Minister of Disability in NSW for many years. During that time Irene was exposed to the climate change within the industry and has been instrumental in facilitating trends in the market around service standards.

She has brought this wealth of knowledge and experience into the disability services sector and remains a strong and well respected advocate for the consumer market within disability, mental health and children's services.

Irene now focuses on providing a guiding hand through the complexities of the NDIS and assists in the provision of services required for each individual client through plan management. This requires care, constant communication and openness. Something that Irene excels at.